Lecture 1: Embodying the BFW Coaches Way of Life

Topic Learning Outcomes

Warm-Up Activity

In your interactive handout, reflect on the following prompts:

Describe your coaching influences and how they show up in your daily practice. 

Why did you choose to enroll in the BFW Coaches Academy and what do you hope to gain from this experience?

How do you hold yourself accountable to living the values espoused in your coaching practice?

Introduction to the BEE FREE Way of Life

Reflection Activity

Using the comment feature, reflect on the following prompt:

Why did you choose to enroll in the BFW Coaches Academy and what do you hope to gain from this experience?

Live Master Class Information

Date: September 3, 2020; 6:00 PM Central Time

Zoom Meeting Link: Click here to join.

Password: 069623

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